Custom Insights On Content Hub Adoption For One Of The World’s Largest Carriers

By acmacorp

Our client needed to re-architect its employee content hub, making it easier for package handlers and warehouse staff to use. It also needed to deliver robust insights to the marketing team responsible for content creation.
Off-the-shelf platforms would not account for the job-level and role-based analysis necessary to assure content compliance. To ensure employees were regularly accessing and engaging with critical updates that impacted the business and their work, a custom solution was required.

•    Engineered a custom hub for high-volume, high-engagement content
•    Connected organizational data for enhanced visibility into content performance
•    Drove greater adoption and engagement via targeted, data-driven content strategies

Through deep discovery and a requirements assessment, we architected a solution that supported 2,000 active employee logins and housed tens of thousands of articles, segmented and accessible by employee location and job role.

Delivering content without a strategy behind it would create a whole new set of challenges.
By capturing weblogs, WordPress logged-in user data, and anonymized Google Analytics data, we created a robust reporting dashboard on MS Power BI that provided granular user data and engagement insights for content creators to use in developing future strategies.

Our efforts drove increased adoption of the hub and engagement with content, resulting in a more strategic approach to content creation and distribution – and a more informed and engaged workforce.

With its new content hub up and running, insights became available by location, office, job level, and role, enabling the client to engage leaders across categories to drive content adoption.
Additionally, content developers measured engagement and further drove the development of high-performing content powered by deeper audience insights, helping the client continue to meet business and employee needs well into the future.